
Dave Cobert Performer Profile


Gender: Male | Height: 5feet 11in | Weight: 170lbs | Physique: Athletic | Hair Color: Brown | Eyes: Green | Voice Type: Rockin Blues


 9/11  Chief  Sunset Pictures/ Martin Guigui
Burden of the Shepherd  Logan  Ryan Michael
Saving Flora  Searcher  Mark Taylor
Crazy for the Boys The Security Guard  Martin Guigui
The Bronx Bull The Irishman Sunset Pictures/ Martin Guigui
Journey of a Female Comic Producer Kiki Melendez
An American Rebel
Steve McQueen Documentary
Steve McQueen RM Entertainment/ Richard Martin
 Money Shot  Johnny Rock and Roll  Billy McAdams
 The Monogamy Experiment  Denny Franco  Amy Rider

Performer Skills

  • Performance Skills:
    Stunts, Voiceover, Martial Arts, Teleprompter, Comedian, Improvisation, Host, Magic, Dancing, Juggling, Pilot
  • Athletic Skills:
    Cycling, Track & Field, Basketball, Rollerblading, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing, Martial Arts, Golf, Soccer, Football, Swimming, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Surfing
  • Accents:
    French, Southern, Chinese, Irish, West Indian, German, Spanish, Scottish, Jamaican, Australian, Middle Eastern, Midwest, British, Russian, Italian
  • Spoken Languages:
    Japanese, Spanish, Italian
  • Musical Instruments:
    Guitar, Piano
  • Dance:
    Modern, Break, Waltz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Line, Ballroom, Salsa, Tango, Disco, Tap, Flamenco, Capoeira, Swing, Club/Freestyle


  • Providence College, Political Science & Theater, Providence RI, 2012
    Double Major

Employment Details

  • Work History:
    Radio, Voice Over, Commercial, Industrial, Theater, Television, Film, Music Video, Internet
  • Job Categories:
    Editing, Production, Directing, Writing, Cinematography, Special Effects, Casting, Composing, Acting, Producing, Costumes, Stunts